The Reserve Patrol Deputy is responsible for responding to and handling calls for service, emergency and non emergency, in the areas of Webster County. The Deputy is assigned a specific area where he/she is the primary Deputy responsible for preserving the peace, preventing crime, enforcing criminal and traffic laws, investigating crime scenes, assisting with motor vehicle accidents and apprehending law violators. During the performance of his/her duties, the Patrol Deputy may also have to respond to calls requiring First Aid or CPR.
Requirements to become a certified Patrol Deputy include successful completion of the same requirements set out for full time Deputies. Webster County Reserve Deputies volunteer their time and are held to the same standards as all other Webster county Sheriff’s office employees.
Webster County Reserve Deputies are certified peace officers through the State of Missouri and then commissioned by the Sheriff.
Reservists fill a vital role in the Office of Sheriff in Webster County. They work the road as a full time patrolman. But they also are called in on major cases, major disturbances, man hunts, or natural disasters. A Reservist also helps with extra duties that are often required of large complicated task. It is important for the public to know, that there is no legal difference between a Reservist and a Full Time patrolman. When on duty, the Reservist and full time deputy are peers. They wear the same uniform and have the same general responsibility.
Reservist also cover shifts when deputies are sick or when the entire patrol staff needs to train together. For example, in April 2012, when the entire patrol staff went and trained with Captain Joseph McGough and the Fort Leonard Wood Military Police SWAT team, reservists covered the road saving county both comp time, money and resources.
Volunteering as a Reservist in Webster County,
Applicants to the Webster County Sheriff’s Office reserve program must complete an application and interview process before being selected as a Webster County Reserve Deputy. The Sheriff’s Office, interviews and commissions successful reservist candidates once or twice a year.
Along with having a Missouri Peace Officers License, candidates must be physically fit, of good judgment and sound character. Successful reservist will complete an 8 – 12 week FTO (Field Training Officer – program). Reservists must work 20 hours a month. Exceptions can be made, but as a general rule, Reservist must work the same two shifts every month, so other deputies can put them on the bi-weekly patrol schedule.
The Webster County Reserve Program consists of up to 10 volunteer deputies. The reserve program is under the direction of Captain Chamberlain and Corporal Omar Barron. For questions about the reserve program call Corporal Barron at 417-859-2247.
To turn in an application, see the website, or visit the Webster County Sheriff’s Office and turn in an application to Deputy Clerk Tiffany Knight.